'영문표현'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2016.02.15 한국음식을 영어로 표현하기 1

Typical Korean Dishes 대표적인 음식들

[Meat Dishes 고기류]

갈비 pork or beef ribs; the classic 'Korean barbecue'

갈비찜 steamed ribs

불고기 marinated barbecued beef

삼겹살 fried pork slices

산적 Korean-style shish kebab; barinated meat on a skewer

소갈비 beef ribs

돼지갈비 pork ribs

[Soups & Stews 국과 찌개]

콩나물국 bean sprout soup

갈비탕 beef rib soup

김치찌개 kimchi stew; Korea's version of bachelor food

매운탕 spicy fish soup

만두국 stuffed dumpling soup

미역국 seaweed soup

삼계탕 boiled chiched stuffed with ginseng

설렁탕 beef and noodled in hot beef-bone broth

순두부 spicy tofu stew

탕수육 sweet and sour pork

된장찌개 miso stew

[Noodles 면류]

잡채 chinese noodles with slices of vegetable

칼국수 thick noocles in anchovy broth

막국수 vegetable noodles

냉면 spicy cold noodles and noodle mix

라면 quick noodles

자장면 noodles in dark sauce

짬뽕 seafood noodles soup of chinese origin

[Light meals 가벼운 식사]

김밥 rice rolled in seaweed

군만두 fried stuffed dumplings

만두 stuffed dumplings

모둠회 a plate containing all kinks of raw fish

낙지볶음 stir-fried baby octopus

비빔밥 rice and vegetable mix

빈대떡 sometimes called 'Korean pizza' and sometimes 'Korean pancake'

볶음밥 fried rice

생선회 sliced raw fish

생선전 lightly seasoned fried fish that has been dipped in batter

생선구이 broiled and salted fish

새우튀김 prawn tempura

찐만두 steamed stuffed dumplings

왕만두 literally 'king dumplings', very large steamed stuffed dumplings

야끼만두 chinese-style fried dumplings

[Rice & Side Dishes 밥과 반찬]

총각김치 pickled radish kimchi

깍두기 cubed radish kimchi

호박전 fried squash slices

김 thin strips of dried seaweed

멸치볶음 anchovy side dish

오이소박이 stuffed cucumber kimchi

배추김치 cabbage kimchi; the spicy classic version of korea's national dish of picked vegetables

백김치 white cabbage kimchi

백반 cooked rice' completely unavoidable

시금치 나물 whole spinach

두부조림 steamed fried tofu in soy sauce

[After Dinner 후식]

떡 rice cakes

식혜 rice punch

수정과 persimmon punch

Posted by 늙은최군